Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Working Tuesday: Weddings on the brain

While traveling recently I came across a cache of antique lace, which started the creative juices flowing. I've spent much of the last week tending the lace in a Biz bath to get it as close to white as it's going to get. Then comes the process of carefully ironing the lace from the back to ensure the intricate designs don't get crushed by the iron. Finally comes the fun part: designing just the right garter that showcases the design of the vintage lace, eyelet or ribbon I'm working with.

Some days my dining room table is covered with spools of ribbon, random bits of lace and all the little bits and pieces that go into making the final garter. Should I add a ribbon rose? Does this one beg for a vintage button? What about a bit of bling? Is there enough lace to make a garter? If not, what do I do with it?

Luckily, I have a patient husband.

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