Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Working Tuesday: A for Attitude.

In my world, having a "business on the side" usually means the last thing that gets attention is the business. And having a passion for making things along with a passion for photography doesn't necessarily translate into having a passion for taking photos of said handmade objects and listing them on my online market of choice, Etsy.

That's where the "a-word" comes into play. I may be dead tired and trying to cram too many tasks into too short a time, but I've found sometimes it's my attitude that makes things happen. I can give up, sit down and give in to the tired or I can get up and see if I can cram just one or two more things into my day. It's a little game I play with myself. I'll work just 30 more minutes and then I can sit down. I can list these things while I "rest" and watch a TV show. Some days I'm more successful than others, but I believe that's one of the things that defines an entrepreneur - the "I think I can" attitude that drives you to do just one more thing, try just one more combination, make just one more item before you sleep.

Now if I could just put this into practice EVERY day my shop would be jam packed full!

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