Thursday, March 17, 2011

Inspiration Thursday! Small town living...

I don't usually do two posts in a day, but I think this tale deserves to be told.

There's a restaurant in my hometown called McAteer's that's run by a local Irish family. They've been there at the foot of the College (now University) for as long as I can remember. My Daddy often goes there for breakfast. In fact, on my wedding day he took most of the family there for breakfast. Even my extended family knows his love of this place.

Today, being St. Patrick's Day and all, is a VERY important day for them. It's a day to celebrate their Irishness with some corned beef and cabbage, and I hear it's delicious. The family gathers early in the morning (I think Mama said 2am!) to start cooking this traditional St. Patrick's Day meal. It's apparently a popular destination today. Daddy has been planning on meeting friends there for weeks to celebrate. Then a "wee" medical problem messed up his plans.

Mama, knowing his distress, called McAteer's this morning and told them of the dilemma. And their response? Don't worry, we'll save you a couple plates. And if you're late getting in, just knock and we'll be waiting for you. That, my friends, made my this a very special St. Patrick's Day for my Irish Daddy. And reminded me of yet another thing I love about my hometown community.

In the McAteer spirit, I wish you all a very special day full of love, giving hearts and great kindness. Irish blessings to you all!

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