Thursday, April 29, 2010

Inspiration Thursday! Stampington & Company magazines

It's inspiration Thursday again and this week I want to make sure all my creative readers are aware of a collection of magazines I always love thumbing through. They're published by Stampington & Company, and includes a variety of titles.

I tend to be drawn more to the jewelry and clothing lines, which are published under the name Belle Armoire Jewelry or Belle Armoire Art to Wear. I've found the clothing issues at my local Hancock Fabrics, but I'd bet you could pick them up at Jo Ann Fabrics too. The jewelry magazine I've found at Barnes and Noble as well as Jo Ann Fabrics.

Each issue has at least one, but usually many projects that inspire my creativity. They also have step by step instructions on how to make the featured projects - with photos! And if you're looking for supplies, they often include their sources in the articles too. If you've ever tried to track down an obscure supply, you'll understand how invaluable that can be!

If that's not your cup of tea, you can always pick up the scrapbooking, doll making, journaling, handbag, wedding or stamping magazines. OR you can look at another of my favorite Stampington publications: Where Women Create.

Since combining houses with my hubby, I've had to consolidate my supplies and my work area has gotten considerably smaller... stupid man furniture.... Wait. What? Did I say that aloud? What? Oh yeah... I dream about having a space of my own where I can store my supplies in an organized and accessible manner. It's a place where I can lay out my beads, or lace, or whatever and LEAVE them there without worrying Corgi girl is going to jump on it or hubby is going to be upset that it's still there three days later when I am finally able to get back to a project. Sound familiar?

Well Where Women Create is the place for you to dream - at least it's where I dream. Live on a house boat? Well, there's an issue with a woman who does and how SHE deals with lack of space. Have a lovely light filled room you can paint in soothing colors with space for lovely patterned boxes of supplies? Well imagine that, there's a woman who does. My favorite, however, is the woman who collects stuff like I collect stuff: in little tins and cigar boxes and irregularly shaped cabinets. As much as I want the clean sunshine filled room, I'm sure I'll always be the back room collector. It's just who I am.

The point is, there's inspiration enough for everyone looking through these lovely publications. Just thumbing through the layouts is a soothing exercise for me - and can be for you too!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go dream about my future studio....

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