Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Working Tuesday: Photographing Jewelry

I found myself with a bit of free time this weekend since the hubby was out of town. Since I'd been thinking for months about doing new photos for the website, I called the owner of Milk Money Designs and asked if she'd come help me do a shoot. She was happy to assist!

When I first photographed the jewelry, I was worried about making the photo pretty by setting a scene. The problem with this is that although the jewelry is the focal point of the photo, there's quite a bit to draw the eye. Gradually, I used fewer and fewer props. I've eventually learned that jewelry photographed on a plain background puts the jewelry in focus - as there's nothing to distract the eye. I feel like it took me WAY too long to get to this point given the pictures that caught my eye on Etsy were these kinds of pictures: simple, white background, close up, prominent in the frame.

I've also learned the importance of natural light to photographing my work. If you're using conventional lights, you'll notice a slight yellow tinge to your photos. Using natural light or halogen lights with full spectrum bulbs (such as an OttLight) helps pull out the true color of your pieces. I've not yet gotten the hang of pulling the shadows out by using diffusers (which can be as simple as white fabric), but I'm getting there.

I've invested in a portable light box - like the one shown here - to help, but I know there are do-it-yourself demos online that can help you build a cheaper version. I've also found great success with just a piece of white fabric propped up against a wall under a skylight in my house.

I'm learning more every day!

1 comment:

  1. Milk Money was pleased as punch to help out! (all I did was make a fine mess and leave you to the clean up...what are friends for, eh?)

    The shots look great; love the earrings and your contemporary necklace looks really good.
