Thursday, June 16, 2011

Inspiration Thursday! Three roads to walk down. One road to choose.

You might have noticed some lag time around here. Life has been fast and furious lately. And the last two days have brought some interesting choices into our lives.

We have three life-changing choices in front of us. We can take one or none of them. This year has already brought quite a bit of emotional upheaval. Being the slow and steady girl I am, there are some days I just want to pretend all this isn't happening. I know, however, that hiding my head in the sand never works. Eventually you have to face life head on, make choices and live with the consequences no matter how hard.

"I've been searching for a reason, and I'm running out of time. I can feel that it's the season. It's time to make up my mind."

We've been in a season for a while now. It's a season of striving for something... actually several somethings. We're used to reaching our goals, but these goals can't be reached with hard work and dedication. These "somethings" are going to need some supernatural help to make them happen. And for the most part, I've been able to find contentment with recognizing that this is just a season. Suddenly, this week, we've been presented with several opportunities that could be the doors opening on these goals.

"And I can't really tell you what I'm gonna do. There are so many thoughts in my head."

Given these new developments, I'm left wondering if we're coming out of this season. Could this be the time we've been waiting for? Could the opportunity finally have dropped into our laps? I don't know. We don't know. All we have left is prayers and patience. And the belief that God has a plan that doesn't always match with our plans, but He has a plan nonetheless.

"Am I ready for forever. Oh God show me a sign. 'Cause if we're to be together, then it's got to be divine."

I can finally see a means to meet at least one of these goals. I can see there's a path opening up that I fully believe is an answer to prayer. I just don't know which road this is going to be. And it's a more than a little scary to take those first steps.

"Father which way should I go? I cannot clearly see."

So for the time being, I'm asking for wisdom. I'm asking for answers. I'm asking for neon signs to show me the right way!

"I'm thinking over, thinking over the things that you said."

I don't want to get in front of the plans God has for our lives. I know that leads to disaster. And so I continue to watch and pray - knowing that "to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose...."

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