Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Babies, babies, babies

It's interesting how as you get older you go through "crops" of babies. First, your high school friends have a crop. Then, your college friends have a crop. Then, your out of college friends have a crop. Eventually you move to a new church or social group and, you guessed it, they have a crop.

I think we've been through 10 new babies in the past year and we've still got 3-4 on the way. One is a new nephew. Another - a boy too - for one of my best friends. The closest, however, is a little girl for a friend who was married a couple months before we were.

After months of searching for just the perfect gift, my Mom sent me a couple baby shoe patterns I thought I would try. And I'm hooked.

My first foray was for the little girl. How much fun is it to walk around the fabric store scoping out girly fabrics for little tiny shoes?? I admit, I went a little overboard. I now have enough fabric to shoe every baby born among my friends and family for about the next 10 years. But OH was it fun!

The girly ones were the first I tried - both plain and bunny with flowers. Tiny button noses! Tiny flower closures! The pair for the boy were the next. I used bunny fabric for the insides of those and hand stitched the sides for a more handmade look. Little bunny faces peek out from inside the soles!

I'm learning more with each pair I do. And enjoying every minute.

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