Friday, November 5, 2010

Foodie Friday: Acorn Squash

This Friday, another fall favorite for dinner - acorn squash. The acorn squash is a green, sometimes with orange patches, squash that's shaped like an acorn. It's usually about the size of a softball. There might be another way to cook this squash, but this is the way I was taught and now share with you!

Turn your oven on to 350 degrees and get that pre-heating. Grab a good knife and cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Prepare a casserole dish, spray some Pam cooking spray in the bottom of it and then pour in about 1/4 inch of water. Then place the halves inside down in the water and place the casserole into the oven. Let the squash cook for about 40 minutes - the squash will start to shrivel up.

When the squash is done, pull it out of the oven and allow it to cool for a couple minutes. I then take a clean dish towel and cradle the cooked squash in my hand as I scoop out the insides into a bowl. Then I sprinkle a bit of cinnamon and about 1 Tablespoon of brown sugar over the squash and mix it all up. Finally, dish it up in pretty bowls and serve! My husband likes this enough that he'll eat 1/2 a squash in a setting, but I'd imagine you could feed several children with 1/2 a squash as well.

1 comment:

  1. Unless those children are like David, in which case ... um, no.
