Thursday, October 28, 2010

Inspiration Thursday! Vote.

Some of you know that I work in politics. And 'tis the season for us to be hopping busy, which is why there have been some holes in postings of late. For that, I'm sorry.

I don't want to get political here because that often leads to finger pointing and accusatory generalizations. I'm tired of all that. I get that enough at work.

No, what I want to talk about is freedom. Think about it. We live in a country where we're free to express our beliefs. We're free to ask our elected officials questions and hold them accountable. And we're free to vote for the people we think will make good leaders.

This is the last weekend before a mid-term election and you're going to hear a lot of mud slung. But amid the negative this and snarky that try to remember one thing. Freedom.

Because no matter your political position, no matter the volume of your voice, we do live in a society in which we can express our views and vote our conscience. And I'm thankful that even though I might not always agree with what you believe, we live in a nation of people who care enough to have an opinion. And thanks to our founding fathers, we can express them.

And so I urge you: Celebrate your freedom. Vote.

1 comment:

  1. I vote because:
    - It is a right that many men and women have fought valiantly to insure I may have it
    - Some can't vote as freely as I can
    - If I don't vote, I can't complain/change what is going on around me
    - It's my voice!
