Friday, September 3, 2010

Foodie Friday: Squash Zucchini with herbs

It's the end of summer and those of you with gardens might have just a little bit of zucchini and squash these days. Here's a little something that might help you take care of the extras. You'll need:

1/2 cup olive oil
3 yellow squash
3 zucchini
1 red pepper
1/4 cup chopped basil and cilantro (or parsley)

First cut your squash and zucchini into larger chunks and set them aside. Cut up your red pepper into larger chunks and add them to your bowl of squash.

Next pull out your basil and cilantro and thoroughly wash both. I usually use 6 - 7 basil leaves and a handful of cilantro - though you can use parsley if you prefer the flavor. After you've washed your herbs, you want to cut them up into little bits - called mincing. There's even a sweet little tool called a mincer to help you in the task! Put your minced herbs into a small bowl and set them aside as well.

In a large pot, pour in your olive oil and allow it to begin to heat up on medium heat. Add your squash to the olive oil and gently toss it so that all of your squash has a bit of olive oil on it. Allow that to heat until the squash starts to turn a little translucent. Then add your herbs and stir them into the mix. Continue to heat the mixture until the herbs start to wilt and then remove your pot from the heat. You don't want to over cook the mix - your squash should not be rubbery, but still a little crunchy.

Pour your mixture into a serving bowl and garnish with a sprig of cilantro. Voila! End of summer goodness!

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