Since I'm behind on the business, I figured I'd share what I HAVE been doing the past few weeks. I work for an advertising agency. We do what's called issue advertising, which means I don't sell toothpaste, I sell ideas or concepts.

I've spent most of the day working on a TV spot. This is pretty much the sexy stuff in advertising. I do a ton of print and quite a bit of online, but most of my days are spent just making sure the wheels are turning in the right direction in a campaign. So when I get to work on a TV spot, the day gets a little more exciting.

That meant going out with a video camera a couple weeks ago and shooting what people had to say on our issue. We had about 8 people who were willing to get on camera and talk about this issue - mostly just telling us what they think about it. We went through about an hour and a half of tape looking for exactly the right clips that would tell the story we need to tell in 30 seconds. This can become difficult if people are long winded because, quick fact, it usually takes 30 seconds to say 70 words.
Did I mention I've learned to liberally edit my writing in this job?

So today I spent many hours in a room with an editor sorting through the clips, trying to find just the right combination that would lay out the problem and the solution for our issue all ending with a rousing call to action. We're heading back tomorrow to finish what I think - at this moment - is very close to telling the story I need to tell. Sometimes, though, you have to look away from a piece in order to figure out how the puzzle will eventually fall into place as it should.

I'm probably justifying myself, but I think sometimes it's okay to fall behind. Because creativity can't be rushed. And the laundry is going to be there tomorrow.
I hope you'll be here tomorrow too.